Touchdown, Bears. And So It Shall Be. Amen.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Near the beginning of the NFL playoffs, I stumbled upon one of the most entertaining Twitter accounts I'd seen in a while. His name? NFLJesus. There's no name attached to the account (obviously), but his tweets are all in the style of bible verses; he just takes out the religious stuff and replaces it with NFL players and concepts. He's a little Jets heavy on the bible tweets, so I imagine he lives somewhere in the New York area. Anyhoo, have a laugh and take a look below:

On Tiki Barber coming out of retirement: "Tiki, at the age of forty thou must retire from thy regular service and work no longer." Numbers 8:25

Green Bay wins the Super Bowl: "Mine eyes shall be upon the faithful of Green Bay; thy Packers shall walk in the grace of the Lord." Psalms 101:6

Jay Cutler's NFC Championship Game Injury: "Brace thyself like a man Cutler; I will question you, and thou shall answer me, and truth shall be heard by all" Job 40:7

On Steelers LB James Harrison's helmet to helmet hit: "James of Harrison; thou shall suffer penalty for your roughness and bear the consequences for thy sins of helmet-to-helmet." Ezekiel 23:49

NFL Lockout: "Give us aid against the Lockout, for a Commissioner's help is worthless." Psalm 108:12

"Arise, Lord! Deliver me, my God! Strike all NFL Owners on the jaw; break the teeth of the wicked Goodell." Psalm 3:7

Brett Favre: "He that winketh with the eye causeth sorrow; But a prating fool shall fall. Favre be thy name." Proverbs 10:10

Here are just a few other random gems from the account:

"For Akers thy Kicker will fail thee, destroy thee, forget the covenant of thy fathers which he sware unto them." Deuteronomy 4:31

"Woe unto the Colts! For they ran riotously in error of Peyton for hire, and perished in the gainsaying of Revis." Jude 1:11, #nyj

"So @Rex_Ryan brought him into his house, and gave the horses fodder; and they washed their feet, and did eat and drink." Judges 19:21 #nyj

"D'Brickashaw, my rock, in him will I take refuge; My shield, my high tower & my refuge; thou savest me from violence." 2 Samuel 22:3,

Assuming that the 2011-2012 season is still happening, I will be following this guy on Twitter every Sunday. What about you?

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