Wisdom, Justice, and Moderation

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

So tomorrow morning, I leave for Atlanta to moderate the High School Scholastic Bowl National Championship Tournament (just call it HSNCT....it's a mouthful, I know.) I'll be there for the entire weekend, and I'm looking forward to the tournament and all of the sharp talent that I'll be presiding over- it should be a fun event. Hopefully I get time to explore the city a little bit, especially since I have friends who live there, but the HSNCT comes first; after all, they ARE putting me up in a really nice hotel and reimbursing my plane fare.

If the hotel wi-fi is free, then I'll do my best to post pictures and anecdotes throughout the weekend; if not, then I'll get to it after I come back. Either way, keep your eyes peeled here!

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