And So We Commence....

Saturday, May 14, 2011

So some good friends of mine graduated today. My roommates- Sam, Tim, and Ryan, and our friends Liza, Jenna, and Ellen, all  walked across the stage. Wait, scratch that- Tim didn't go to graduation. I think he and his parents only cared that he graduated- the ceremony was just an extra unnecessary step. Nice to know they're on the same page, and I'll have more on Tim later. But back to the other graduates:

Our graduates...note that Tim is not wearing a graduation gown, but a black shirt  instead. This picture reminded me a lot of...
...the iconic Brady Bunch stairs picture.
So anyways, the girls cried, the guys cracked jokes, the parents hugged everybody, and off to graduation they went....except Tim, Alex (Jenna, Ellen and Liza's roommate, who graduates next year with me), and me. Alex  made Tim a mortarboard and diploma, and it was only fitting that we had a ceremony. Check it out:

So congratulations to the 2011 graduates! You will go on to do great things! I will miss you dearly.

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