You Cannot Be Afraid To Lose!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Disney movies tend to be preachy and quite cheesy when it comes to their message, but I do have to say- this is one of the more meaningful speeaches given in Disney lore. I give to you, from The Mighty Ducks 3, Coach Orion's speech on hockey...and life. If you can't access the Youtube video, the text is below. The first couple of sentences in parentheses was the dialogue before the speech begins. Enjoy!

[What's the one thing all great teams have in common? Defense. See, unlike scoring, defense never quits. But to play great defense you need one thing above all else.] Confidence. Listen, if you learn nothin' else when you're here, you learn this, all right? Cause it's not just about hockey. It's easy to be confident when you have control of the puck. It's very, very difficult to keep that confidence when you gotta take whatever strange bounces life throws your way. Don't be careless, but don't be too careful either. You cannot be afraid to lose! That's how you gain the confidence to attack the game when the puck isn't yours. That's how you attack life... even when you think you don't have any control. And that's how you play real defense.

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