Cooking With Jeremy- Kickstart Smoothie

Thursday, May 12, 2011

I despise mornings that start with my phone alarm screaming at me to wake up. It's intrusive, but since the sun only wakes me up on time during the summer months, most of the year I have no choice but to soldier through alarm clock hell. On mornings like this, most people tell me to suck it up and drink a lot of coffee. Well, I like coffee, but not enough to make it my morning drink of choice more than one work day a week. Any more and I'd jitter and crash all day.

So, what do I drink? One word. Smoothie.

My morning saviour, in a Starbucks mug no less.

I've only been on a smoothie kick for about six weeks now, but for me, they trump morning coffee in just about every category I care about: I have more energy, they taste great, they're filling, they have less sugar than my morning coffee, and I've got a couple of servings of real fruit at the top of each day. Here's my recipe

4-5 strawberries
1/2 cup orange juice
1 slice of lime
1/2 scoop of lime sherbet
1 handful of chopped ice

Just blend all of this together in a blender until you can hear no more ice chopping; the other ingerdients basically blend themselves. This recipe makes 12-14 ounces.

Now a lot of these ingredients can be swapped for others; maybe you like cranberry juice better, or maybe you want to throw some apple, banana, or pineapple in there, or maybe you want to use yogurt in lieu of sherbet- go ahead! The great thing about this smoothie is that the recipe is  interchangeable, so when you get tired of certain flavor combinations, just switch things out. You can even throw some rum, tequila or vodka in this recipe to mae this smoothie more "adult". Have some fun with it!

Well, I'll be cooking all throughout the summer, so stay tuned for more!

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