Maybe That Guy Is On To Something....

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Before Monday's New York Governor debates, nobody knew the name Jimmy McMillan. After the debates, it was clear that he was the star that night. McMilla, who represents the Rent is Too Damn High Party, may not have been the most well-versed of the seven candidates, but he was definitely the most entertaining- not to mention that he gained a lot of supporters since, well, the rent IS too damn high. This is especially true in New York, where a one bedroom rat-trap will cost you about $68 billion a month. And no, we're not talking about Zimbabwean dollars. Take a look-see at some of Mr. McMillan's finer points from Monday night.

EDIT: And here he is on the Sean Hannity Show just a week later:

We have a clear winner here, people. Someone get me to New York state, so I can claim citizenship there and vote for this man. He is the most entertaining politician I have EVER seen. He's going to be this generation's Mr. T- an angry black man who is more entertaining than all of TV put together, except no mohawk and gaudy jewelry. But man, does he have one bitchin' mustache. Apparently after the debate, he got 40,000 campaign donations. Well played, sir. Well played.

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