Someone Douse The Heat- I Don't Care Who.

Friday, October 29, 2010

The other night I was watching the Lakers Championship ceremony right before their home opener, and I noticed something- I actually didn't hate the Lakers this year. Quickly, however, my motive became clear. I like any team that isn't the Miami Heat this year, and until that unholy trinity breaks up, it'll stay tht way.

I don't care that Bosh went to Miami- as a matter of fact, the fact that Bosh stated he wouldn't play as hard as a center, coupled with the fact that he's only an inch shy of seven feet, makes him look like a bigger pansy. No, in this situation, all of my hate goes towards LeBron. It wasn't the fact that he signed with a new team- it was the way he went about it. The Decision, the long months of waiting for an answer, and all of the "extravaganza" that engulfed the NBA for the entire summer was unnecessary, especially when you have a kid like Kevin Durant, who despite being a franchise player (and last season's scoring champion), silently tweeted his happiness over his extension with the Thunder.

LeBron leaving Cleveland is like having a great, faithful spouse who lacks one trait (fill in the blank yourself)....and leaving them because someone else promises they has an abundance of the missing trait, with no real evidence to back it up.

But before I get too riled up, let's keep in mind that LeBron has done this before. Lebron was a member of the "Fab 4", a group of friends who played basketball together since they were young. The boys were expected to go to Buchtel High School, an Akron public school who saw the players' arrival as a huge upgrade to their basketball team. However, one of the boys decided to attend the predominantly white St. Vincent St. Mary's High School, which messed with the foursome's plan to play basketball together for a little while longer. Eventually, the other three followed suit and went to St. V's. The black community was none too happy about it.

Let's not even get into Wade's acting career in making teams believe that they had a shot at him, when in actuality, he was deliberately wasting their time. He knew he was coming back to Miami regardless, and it was a ploy to hold other teams up in their free-agent chase. It was a calculated, classless move that I won't soon forget when the Heat are hanging their heads at the expense of the Chicago Bulls.

Usually, I don't like the Lakers. But if it takes them completing another three-peat for LeBron and the Heat to get their due, then I'll happily watch.

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