Hey, Motherf****r...Guess What I Know?

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Let's get in a time machine and go back to June 2009. I was fresh out of college with no job, no plans, and no idea what I was going to do. So in the meantime, I decided to do what I did best-- ask questions.

I went to my Facebook profile and posted a trivia question. Not even 10 minutes later, I had 8 replies. After a day where I asked 11 or 12 questions and kept a running score, I noticed that people liked answering my questions on Facebook. Why? Because it makes them look smart in an open forum. Soon after, I saw that two of my buddies from quiz bowl, Kevin Render and Ivory Johnson, both started doing the same thing. I wasn't mad- I was happy that more of us were getting in the spirit since they, like me, had nothing better to do that summer. After carrying this on for about 2 weeks, Ivory came up with the idea that the three of us come together and form a group dedicated to this. That, ladies and gentlemen, is how we formed...wait for it...

But wait...it wasn't called that just yet.

We got a lot of our fellow HCASC (That's Honda Campus All Star Challenge, for the record) alums and off season players to join and play the game. It was rough at first, because we had our fair share of cheaters in that first run. But we made it through quite successfully, considering the small operation that we were running.

During our first season, we decided to award bonus points to whoever came up with the best name for our group. We eventually narrowed it down to three choices: Mind Bogglers, The Three Towers of Trivia, and Hey Motherfucker? Guess What I Know!, with the last one nearly becoming our permanent name. In retrospect, it might have worked just as well.

Now, the three of us our back in school and/or working, so our schedules aren't as flexible as they used to be. We've had our fair share of ups and downs, but the ups have far outweighed the downs, and I know I wouldn't trade this for any other experience.We've asked nearly 900 questions, with out 1000th coming sometime this year, and we started our third season this week. I couldn't be much happier than that. If you want to play, join our Facebook group HERE, and you'll receive questions 3 days a week. If you have suggestions, questions, comments, or concerns, post to our wall! In the meantime, happy playing, and no quizjacking!

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