Jeremy and Sam go to SXSW! Day 10- Springfield, IL to St. Louis, MO

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Our Austin Spring Break trip is officially over. The only reason we left so early was because I had to head to St. Louis for Provost Committee Interviews. I absolutely fell in love with Austin, and I want to go back next year. However, if I do, there are some things I would change.

  1. I might fly. I liked road tripping, and I've wanted to do it even before I had a car. But it takes its toll on you. Granted, we each only paid $100 in gas vs. $350 each for a plane ticket, but we would have a had a couple extra days in exchange.
  2. I would definitely get a hotel room downtown. When you have to rely on a public transportation system on vacation, you are at the mercy of its running times. This meant that we could only party until 11:30- the last bus leaves at midnight. We would have had to wait until 5 the next morning to get a bus, and seeing how hard the partying continued into the night, that may not have been so hard.
  3. I would invite more friends to come. Sam is my boy, but had we had a couple of our other roommates there with us, that would have just made everything so much better.
  4. Seeing all of the awesome panels and movie screenings we missed out on, I might consider buying a badge next time.

All in all, it's a great trip that any college student (or anybody, for that matter) should consider taking!

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