Black Ranger Pride

Saturday, October 29, 2011

So I was the Black Power Ranger for Halloween this year, and as always, it was a last minute, half baked costume. Normally I come up with this elaborate, awesome idea for a costume each year that I'm so convinced I'll put all of my time and energy into. This year, I was going to be the Shuffle Bot from the LMFAO music videos, complete with cardboard box helmet, gold track suit, and accompanying chain. Then I convinced myself that I could do without the chains....then the gold track suit became a black track jacket and jeans...and the cardboard helmet became a brown paper bag. I totally failed on an idea that I spent two months talking about. Now I had no costume.

Then I saw a Black Ranger t-shirt at Hot Topic that I was convinced I needed. Light bulb on. Hallelujah. Unfortunately, the store only sold pink and red ranger masks. Since they were on clearance anyway, I decided to pick one up and make it a black ranger mask with some magic marker magic. Halfway through, the mask looked pretty badass the way it was already colored.

What do you guys think? Should I have kept the mask the way it was, or was I right in coloring the whole thing black?

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