Coffee Cup Champagne and Birthday Cupcakes

Monday, October 17, 2011

Last night was Homecoming Night, and guess what that means? Classy Wine Night! Classy Wine Night, or CWN, is a concept that my neighbor Michael Watson came up with. In a nutshell, all of us dress up very nicely and drink copious amounts of liquor- preferably wine. Since I'm not a wine person, I drank champagne (hey, it IS sparkling WINE). The best part about the night is that we top load the liquor, so we're pretty wasted for the majority of the night.
Michael Watson- Godfather of Classy Wine Night

Last year, we had a problem- the party spilled over into our house, but two guys fought and broke the upstairs bathroom door. Not a good first impression, I'd have to say. But we've learned from our mistakes, and this time around was bound to be better!

Oh, wait- my roommate Li was scheduled to have a birthday party on the same night! So what did I end up with? A Classy Wine Night Birthday Party! So I got double duty when it came to drinking and partying, and I feel that I shouldered the load quite well. All in all, the entire night was awesome- I didn't have champagne flutes, so I drank all of my liquor out of my trusty red coffee mug. I also taught Li's friends how to shotgun beer, and they taught me various Chinese curses. Funny thing- apparently Chinese people really don't have swear words- they just insult people in the same way that you would if you couldn't swear. Anyways, enough from me- the pictures tell the story better than I could. Check the pics and captions below!

My roommate Li blowing out the candles- 27 birthday cupcakes for the 27 year old!

Li's friends were plenty- and they all drank. Can't argue with that.

Li top loaded his liquor too. He was about ready to pass out when we pulled the cattle prod on him.
As you can see, he recovered nicely.

The Godfather, with the guy who broke our bathroom door at the last CWN in the background.

Only one of the people in this pic is old enough to participate in CWN...I wonder who....

Meagan (left) and Maithili (right) think we're all friends. I guess this picture solidifies it.

Aftermath- the next morning, our place was just about trashed.
All in all, it was a great night, and I definitely can't wait for CWN 3, which is going down this spring. Since it will be the last time we all will be together, it's bound to be a hot mess. Check back soon for more madness!

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