Pancakes No More

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Well, as you may see from the title, the pancakes in the blog's title have been retired. Anything I do on this blog has a thoughtful reason, and this change is no exception. I have always been a breakfast guy- I am one of those people that advocates cooking breakfast food for dinner. Hell, I had a breakfast dinner twice last week. But at this point in my life, cooking gives me this cathartic release- it's something I know I do well, and breakfast is not a meal where I get too adventurous.

Now baking- that's where my stress goes away. Making something really good and cheap that I can share with my friends is a great feeling for me. No matter what's going on in my life, baking will make my problems disappear in the meantime. Cupcakes are at the top of my list of things to bake, and as you've seen from the last few weeks, it's something I love to make. Now everybody wants birthday cupcakes and the like. I kinda feel like that episode of Arthur when he keeps asking his dad to make cakes for school functions so that Arthur can be popular.

Anyhoo, it's a lot of fun for me, and I genuinely feel at home when making cupcakes. So the blog's name has changed...for now.

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