Mortal Kombat- Pure Genius

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Mortal Kombat just got a whole lot more badass. Freddy Kreuger- yes THAT Freddy Kreuger, will soon be making his Outworld Tournament debut as a downloadable character. Take a look at the video below to see what the crown prince of Elm Street has in store for the other kombatants.

I'm so happy that the good people behind Mortal Kombat did this- I'm just wondering what took them so long. Mortal Kombat is a gory, no holds barred type of game that can scare the living crap out of 5 year olds and impressionable adults alike. That being said, wouldn't horror movie villains be the perfect characters to add to a game like this? The DC crossover seemed like a decent idea at the time...until we found out that none of the heroes would be programmed to brutally murder their opponents. Lame. The movie killers are primed for some incredibly inventive fatalities- I mean, who could forget this?

I'd love to see other movie killers make their way into this game. Maybe not so much Norman Bates (although he could replace Noob Saibot with the whole shadow thing), but the guy from Scream, the Texas Chainsaw Killer, or even Chucky.Of course, I wouldn't say any of this if it didn't lead up to Jason. I would love to see the REAL Freddy Vs. Jason happen in this game, but regardless of what happens, adding Freddy to Mortal Kombat was a great great move.

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