Data Hoarders

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Right now I'm on my lunch break at work, and I decided to take my iPad 2, newly christened with an activated 3G connection, and check the App Store for updates. I hit the "download all" button, and all of a sudden, I got an error message stating that apps that were more than 20MB in size would have to be downloaded over a wifi connection. Seriously? What the hell? The culprit, by the way, was X Men Arcade Edition.

I understand that Apple is looking out for me and my battery life. But I'm only sitting here at work. Even if it just sits here idly for the rest of the day (which it probably will), just give me a warning message stating that downloading a larger file will drain my battery life considerably faster. But give me that option. It's only 70 megabytes- I've got 1,024 each month, and I don't even use them all.

This is odd considering that Apple is trying to make the iPad such a mobile device. If I didn't have a wifi connection at home, I'd have to go to a Starbucks or an Apple Store to do such a simple task.

Come on Apple. Let me use my 3G connection as I please. Stop meddling.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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