Salmon Croquettes w/ Wild Rice

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

I love salmon croquettes. They're such an easy dish, and they're not half bad for you either. Take a can of pink salmon, about the size of a soup can, and debone and deskin the fish. Take what's left, and mix in two large eggs- this is to keep the patties together while they fry. Throw in some onions, green peppers, tomatoes, or whatever else you like, too. Canned salmon already has a salt in it, so you shouldn't have to season it too much, lest they become salty.

Coat the patties in a mixture of flour, bread crumbs, and lemon pepper seasoning. Lay them in a pan of hot oil until brown and crisp on both sides. Like pancakes, you should only have to flip once. Flip too much and they may end up soggy.

A can of salmon makes 3 to 5 patties, depending on how big you've made them. Serve with rice or pasta (I just made a box of Uncle Ben's Wild Rice), and serve.

Personally, I like my croquettes plain, but some people make a tartar sauce or other dip to go along with them. If cooked correctly though, these should taste fine all by themselves.

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