In the Mornings, I Really Don't Give A Damn.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

For those of you who haven't found out yet, I work for the Department of Transporation's Divison of Traffic Safety. I go 3 or 4 days a week and work on various things from media buys to invoicing. I start at 9:00, but since I don't have a car, I have to be up every morning at 7:15 to catch the 8:15 bus. So naturally, with three roommates in their senior years, mornings are kinda quiet in M12. Because of this, I really don't give a damn what I do in the mornings. If I just happen to wake someone up, they can go back to sleep without interruption- screw it.

Because most nights I'm doing grad homework til midnight or later (I don't get out of class until 8:30 PM), 7:15 can be a bit much to ask. So I get up and sleepwalk my way through my morning routine, often making dead, sloth-like motions not too far removed from the zombies in the Thriller video. Most of the time, I can make it around my townhouse without doing anything that may disrupt my morning routines, or my roommates.

Today, however, was different. I didn't have any pressed shirts (I usually have my shirts dry cleaned or I iron them a few days before), so I had to iron a shirt. My roommate Ryan's room is right next to the utility closet where we keep the iron and ironing board. So at this point, it should come as no surprise what happened next. I opened Ryan's door on accident.

Now at this point, I didn't know how light a sleeper Ryan really was. But when I opened the door, he made this move that was a combination of shooting straight up like he had just had the worst nightmare of his life...and had been tasered at the same time. It took me about three seconds to realize what I had done, to which I said, "Sorry dude. I thought this was the closet.". I closed his door and laughed my ass off.

Now, I went to work, came home, and still hadn't seen Ryan again- the incident was ages ago to me, so when I got this text at around 8:25 that night, I was surprised and amused.

Yo J-dog, did you come into my room this morning or was I dreaming? Lol
I was due to get out of class in 5 minutes or so, so I knew we were due to have a good laugh over this. I come back in the house, see Ryan, and exclaim "YES!" at the top of my lungs. According to my roommate Tim, it's one of the two best stories of the year- both involve Ryan and both involve closets. However, the other story isn't mine to tell, nor do I know all of the details. You'll just have to ask them about it.

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