Major Leagues, Major Problems

Sunday, September 26, 2010

I barely watch baseball anymore. Sure, I watch the occasional White Sox game, but baseball doesn't catch my attention. Baseball is no longer America's pasttime; it's football. With only 16 games and full college exposure, you see players from their college days grow into NFL superstars. Baseball? Eh, not so much. Here are baseball's biggest problems and what we can do to fix them.

1. 162 games is way too long

162 games?!?!? That's two NBA or NHL seasons, and TEN NFL seasons! Having a season that lasts so long creates a couple of different problems; it causes both players and fans to see games as expendable. 16 NFL games means that every game you play is a major factor in whether or not you make the playoffs. With 162 games, players don't have to be as concerned with the outcome of every game, and neither do the fans. Until the playoffs draw near, I don't watch games all of the way through, and I imagine MLB loses many on-the-fence fans this way.

2. We don't know who the hell half the new guys are
The advantage that the NBA and NFL have is that NCAA basketball and football are both widely covered. If every college basketball player had to play in the NBA Development League before being called up, the NBA wouldn't be anywhere as popular; college players would lose any steam or publicity they had coming out of college and enter the NBA with people barely remembering their college careers. Unless you go to college baseball games, watch the barely-covered College World Series on ESPN, or pay attention to the minor leagues, you don't know most, or any of the future stars of Major League Baseball.

3. Only 8 teams make the playoffs
This, in my opinion, is the biggest mistake the MLB is making; If I'm a fan, and I have to wait 162 games only to have just 8 teams make the playoffs? That sucks. As a player, I'd have to imagine that would suck too. The division winners and one wild card from each league make the playoffs. That's EIGHT TEAMS. Every other major professional sport has a 12 or 16 team playoff. There is too much invested in the season to only see 8 teams. make it. Sure you get the best teams, but you don't get upset moments where a team who barely sneaks in makes a playoff splash.

Now what should we do about it? First of all, lower the MLB season to 100 games. Math is easier, players pay more attention to the importance of games, and it allows the MLB brass to....wait for it...expand the playoffs to 12 or 16 teams. Take the top two from each division, or adopt the NBA playoff system.

When the NHL made changes to its rules during the lockout, they created a faster, higher scoring, and as a result, more exciting game. Hockey ratings keep climbing, and with the advent of new additions like the Winter Classic and overseas season openers, they are gaining coverage from more networks.

MLB, your system is long and drawn out. Change it, or America's pastime will be just that- a pastime.

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