Shattering Stereotypes About Black Greek-Letter Organizations - Fraternities By Jonathan McCorvey

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Hey all! I decided that it would be pretty cool to have a guest blogger to come on here every now and then; specifically, someone who has an area of interest they want to touch, and wants to be heard. If you'd like to guest blog, just email me with your topic!

Jonathan McCorvey is a senior studying communications at the University of South Alabama. After Jonathan became a member of Alpha Phi Alpha, it seemed he had a few things to get off his chest...and I mean more than a few. Check out what he has to say:

Since crossing those burning sands to become a member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. on Sun. November 7, 2010, I have had many memorable experiences. However, everything I hear about my fraternity and others somewhat disturbs me. Before crossing I wanted to talk about it but couldn't. Now that I am Greek, I feel that I can.

There is a lot of stereotyping when it comes to all of the the organizations in the Divine Nine (The nickname given to the 9 Black Greek Letter Organization in the National Pan-Hellenic Council). Everybody thinks that being a certain color, size, or having a high status or IQ is what makes these groups pick its members. That is totally false! Each group has members of all different, sizes, shades, and backgrounds, yet some people who are not Greek get a certain notion that each group is a certain way- often times this is based upon an encounter they had with a member that made a lasting impression on how they view the organization as a whole. I myself had these same notions when I first got to college, but as time went on I learned to judge people as individuals and not as the organization that they are apart of.

When people found out that I had become an Alpha, they were shocked- most people said that they saw me as too much of an individual to pledge, and others said that they just didn't see me as an Alpha. When I asked what they saw me as, some said Omega and others said Kappa. Now I could understand Omega because I tend to sometimes say what's on my mind in a brash manner, but I could not for the life of me understand Kappa, and that's nothing against any brother in that fraternity. When asked why they thought I would pledge Kappa, a lot of young ladies said "Because you look like one". I looked like one because of my light-skin, "good hair" and good-looks. I was angered by this- why did these young ladies figure that I have to be Kappa just because I possessed all of those assets?

For some strange reason Alphas have a tendency to be known as the geeks and bookworms of the campus. In my time at Alcorn State and at South Alabama, I haven't met a brother who met that stereotype yet! And as far as being geeks....Donald Driver just won the Super Bowl with the Green Bay Packers...and what is he? An Alpha Man! Dr. Martin Luther King, who changed the world so that all men could be equal? Alpha Man! Thurgood Marshall, first black Supreme Court Justice? Alpha Man. And can a nerd step like the great men who wear Black and Old Gold? Don't think so!

Kappa have this stigma that all they do is just twirl canes and think they are better then the others. That's not true. These brothers are just like the Alphas, goal oriented and strive to be the best at what they do. The late great Attorney Johnnie Cochran....Kappa Man. Original King of Comedy Cedric the Entertainer....Kappa Man. Criticallly Acclaimed Director John Singelton...Kappa Man. What does that tell you?

Alphas and Kappas both have a stigma that I REALLY am not to pleased with: it is said that we have a lot of gay members in our organizations! Let me state that I have never met a brother that was a part of either organization that was gay! I hate to sound snobbish, but they may just be mad because their women want us, or it may women who are mad because we didn't find them attractive and turned them down, or it could be because you didn't get picked. Now I'm not saying that homosexuals don't get in, because they do. But people who make those claims fail to realize that gay and lesbian people are scattered across ALL Greek organizations.

The next up are the men of Omega Psi Phi. These brothers are said to be your dumb jocks who can never seem to graduate from college on time. All they do is party and have sex all the time (but to be fair, what young man in his early twenties doesn't?) They are idiots who just walk around in camouflage all day hanging their tongues out! FALSE! Ques are actually the most determined and adventurous brothers that you will ever meet. Heck, I got invited to one of their parties a couple of weeks ago and they thanked me for showing love. And as far as being dumb...PLEASE. There was a brother that attended South Alabama who was an Omega and he played classical piano. That's something that a REFINED man does. And as for them not contributing to society.....Dr. Charles Drew, the first man to perform a successful open heart surgery...Omega Man. Michael Jordan, a man who is said to be undisputed the best basketball player ever...Omega Man. Bill Cosby, who headed one of the most popular television shows of all time...Omega Man. Enough Said

The last brothers that I am going to write about are the men of Phi Beta Sigma. These are the brothers who are said to be loud and country, and the rejects of Alpha, Kappa, and Omega. That is far from true! Everybody says that they are are combination of all of them because that's what they really want to be instead of Sigma. Sigmas are the brothers who joined their organizations because of that reason: they don't have a definite picture of what a Sigma man is supposed to be! They can be their own man and change for the better. As far as being loud...these guys are some of the coolest guys you can ever meet...real approachable. And as far as them being nobodies: Emmit Smith and Jerry Rice, the all-time leading rusher in NFL history, and All-Time Leader in touchdown Catches in NFL History....Sigma Men. George Washington Carver, who was an acclaimed scientist and inventor...Sigma Man. Huey P Newton, co-founder of the Black Panthers....Sigma Man.

I can't write much about the Iotas because I have never met one. But I do know that they were founded by brothers who were pushing for Civil Rights. They are said to be people that nobody ever knew that was on campus. I'm pretty sure that's not true. And as a far as them being uncool: T.C. Carson....Known as "Kyle Barker from Living Single." Who would have thought huh? Besides, they were just founded in the 1960s, so the other fraternities had a 60 year head start in fostering revolutionary figures. Give them time.

I was going to do the female Greeks as well but this letter is long enough so be on the lookout for that one soon.


Jonathan "Petey Mac" McCorvey

Disclaimer: Guest bloggers do not necessarily reflect the ideas and/or views of the main blogger on this website; these guest bloggers are chosen to foster discussion and understanding of various issues.


  1. I'm a Delta... & I know a gay Alpha. Doesn't mean all of them are like that, but I know one.

    1. He never said there weren't any.

  2. I'm an Alpha and I beg to differ. I actually Embrace the nerd stereotype my brother. Gammo Rho, nuclear engineering.

  3. This is the most ridiculous post I have ever written. Not only is it incredibly ignorant, but it is riddled with spelling and grammatical errors. This post alone is a prime example of incorrect stereotypes, since most bookworms can actually spell and put together coherent sentences. As far as homosexual Kappas and Alphas, I know dozens, so you claiming their aren't couldn't be more farfetched. Why are you so interested in other brothers' sexuality, unless............

    1. Check your own spelling and grammatical errors before you get on somebody else for theirs.

  4. The post above me has more spelling and grammatical errors than the editorial #FAIL

  5. Morris Chestnut is not a Sigma sir.

    1. Nobody mentioned Morris Chestnut anyway.


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