Join Us In The Blogosphere!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

So a lot of readers have been asking me how and why I started my blog. Easy enough- a lot of things fly through my mind at any given time, and having a forum to get them out of my head seemed like a good idea at the time, and still does. Once I started writing, I just got on a roll- it was easy.
However, a lot of you also asked me how to start your own blogs; My only advice was write what you love and write often. But I think a second opinion would be best; check out my interview with guest blogger Alex Echols; Alex is a fellow Dream Careers alum/employee, and a Vanderbilt U alum!Read below for some blogger enlightenment.

What qualities/traits do you think make the best bloggers? 
The best bloggers are those who envision growth as a necessary component of their writing and blogging practice.  From experience, most bloggers begin with a few ideas and themes in mind. Overtime, with essential critiquing, a good blogger becomes more focused and finds his/her niche.  With a portfolio of brilliant, vivid videos, pictures, creative writing and etc., a blogger can go from being good to great.

For my blog, my overall theme has evolved into “I.D.E.A.S,’ focusing on Inspiration, Dreams, Energy, Art (including Fashion & Luxury) and Sarcasm. 

What attracted you to blogging in the first place? I’ve always loved writing.  Initially one of the driving forces behind my blogging was the freedom to express my feelings rather easy.  These days, it is obvious I have no problem expressing my thoughts verbally, but writing allows me the opportunity to construct a fourth wall for my readers. 

How I came into blogging was somewhat happenstance.  Years ago, I heard a lot of friends talking about it and insisted I start one for myself.  Initially, I wrote very small bits in my ‘journal to the world.’  With evolution, I have focused on turning it into a haven of passions, hoping my readers will love it equally, if not more. 

My real secret behind great blogging is writing about what I love and know.

How do you go about choosing what to talk about in your blog?
As previously stated, my blog has gone from being an online database of random thoughts to focusing on I.D.E.A.S.  More specifically, it is anything that really stimulates my senses (all 17 of them).  Whether its cuisine, a poem by an upcoming writer, my own experiences and lessons learned, What the Stars Wore to the  Image Awards, my bucketlists or an upcoming foreign movie trailer, I look for inspiration in every avenue, but I must love the message and idea.
What, in your opinion, is the toughest part about being a blogger/maintaining a blog?
Finding the time to do just that – maintain your blog.  But there are no other excuses because there will always be good content and new experiences to serve as inspiration.

When you're looking at new blogs, what's the first thing that catches your eye; what tells you whether or not you're going to read more of someone else's blog?
First thing: visuals, visuals, visuals!  In addition to great content, a blog should be very welcoming & vibrant from a design standpoint.  Also, it wouldn’t be a bad idea for your posts to have engaging titles (that’s a substantial part of the battle).

What's the best way to keep from burning out?
The best way is simply not to force it.  You should always blog about the things you love and that which interests you, but it should never seem like a job you hate.  For me, a lot of my inspirational writing comes out of daily living rather than happening via a necessity to produce new content.  In fact, many authors have said the hardest times to write is when it is forced. 

When it comes to not burning out, but also being a successful writer and blogger – daring to be different and following your heart is a very rewarding task, but also a difficult one. After browsing thousands of websites, blogs and tumblrs, I have noticed so much repetition.  How will you be different?

How much does being a good writer factor into writing a blog?
Being passionate about something will definitely allow you the experience to hone one of your crafts.  Just as there are good writers, there are good actors, good athletes, good teachers and etc.  But let’s be honest, with the way the world is today, so many people are self-titling themselves singers, actors, artists and etc, whether they are actually gifted or not.  But being great at something is totally different.  Where true passion, practice and ability align, there you will find excellence.

Are there any other projects/websites that you want to get out there?
It’s definitely been a VERY long time coming, but please tune in for the launch of my website: around the 5th of April, which will include personal information, in addition to showcasing my business ventures: AFG Creative Group™ and the One Life Brand & Foundation™. 

Some of the great things readers will be able to do:

  • Check out my professional portfolio and have access to download some of my photography and other designs.
  • Purchase One Life Brand products (beginning mid-May).  Believe me, you will love the message!   
  • Read news about my upcoming novels and snippets from my blog.

But more than anything, I would like everyone to head over to the One Life Brand Foundation page to help me begin a movement of reinforcing passions, dreams and life throughout the world with the ‘We Dream, They Dream’ campaign.

Thanks for Your Time,
One Life, You Decide   

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