The Plan Leads to the Celebration

Monday, March 21, 2011

Just a quick tidbit today: I just watched some NFL highlights on Youtube yesterday, and, not surprisingly, the majority of eye popping highlights come from plays made by running backs and wide receivers. They jump, twist, catch, hurdle, truck, and high step their way into the endzone...well, not all of them. But when some get in, they have these elaborate dances they do to celebrate a touchdown. Some of these players have scored so little that it seems that they spend more time practicing their celebration dances, not their fundmentals.

I though about that for a minute, and then I realized how it applies to life: You can't play hard if you don't work hard; that is, you won't have moments of glory and happiness of you don't put in the work to get there. You can't achieve your dreams by making plans of what you'll do when you get there. It's planning HOW you get there that counts.

Work hard to play harder- that's my suggestion to you!

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