Monday, November 22, 2010

Hey all! Well, it seems SOMEONE has been reading my blog...and because of that, one of you readers will actually benefit from it!

CSN is an online shopper's dream- it's comprised of more than 200 online stores that contain a smorgasbord of merchandise! You can buy a bevy of cookware to make your holiday dinner just perfect, or a suitcase if you're one of those "out of town" types that can't get away fast enough. Regardless of your holiday social preferences, you can also buy toys, bedding, power tools, and even shoes- these people have got you covered!

How does this benefit you? Well, the good people over at CSN Stores have been kind enough to supply me with a $35 gift certificate to help you get your holiday shopping started on the right foot! The best part? You don't have to buy anything from me first! You'll gain an entry in the drawing every time you make a comment on this blog entry- only post once a day. The last day for you to enter will be on November 30th, which means you can get up to NINE entries in the drawing! On December 1st, I'll draw the winner by random number generator. For example, if there are 300 posts, I'll set the generator for a number between 1 and 300. If 246 comes up, the person with post #246 wins the contest.

So post early, and post often to get a $35 head start on your holiday shopping! Don't forget to shop at http://www.csnstores.com/ for tons of great deals!


  1. I guess I'm first! Thanks for the awesome giveaway! I love CSN Stores!

  2. And I guess I am the second! Thanks for the giveaway. Im on CSN shopping now!

  3. I'm checking out the cookware over at CSN right now... such a great selection!

  4. Today, when the oven stopped functioning in the middle of turkey time, I discovered the merits of something called a roaster oven and that I need to get my own immediately! And CSN has 40 of them!

  5. And their Pyrex food storage sets would come in handy about now... a bunch of poorly wrapped leftovers just tumbled out of the refrigerator onto my feet!

  6. Feels like talking to myself here, but I decided I also need a new set of flatware!

  7. Shoes are always good! Especially free shoes!

  8. No worries, Liz- just keep racking up entries!

  9. Oh, and you rposts don't have to be CSN related, for the record.

  10. Okay, final post: Thanks again for the giveaway!

  11. No problem, Liz! Glad to see SOMEONE decided to post!

  12. yikes, looks like Liz is likely to win! =/

  13. Well, I am at least going to get 1 entry. Good luck everyone

  14. Congrats to Liz on winning the my first ever CSNStores giveaway!
