Potato Soup

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Yeah, I had nothing better to put for a title- might as well keep it simple today.

The weather in Springfield has been dipping into the 40s- the 30s late at night even, and that means soup season has begun!

I found this great recipe on Allrecipes.com, and made my own little adjustments to it; I used green onions instead of regular ones, I used garlic salt for a little more flavor, and added bacon. It turned out really good- I would definitely make it again.

I consider soup to be one of the toughest dishes to make, since it can be altered so many ways and there's always room for improvement. There's something about soup in the winter that just makes it taste better during this time of year. I'll definitely be perfecting this recipe as the season goes on- I'll keep you all updated on the process!

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