Cool Windows Swag

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Yesterday, I posted about my experience at the Windows Phone Night Market event. Today, I'm just going to show you how awesome I am by flaunting all of my new stuff. Take a look below!

So above we have a pretty cool t shirt (although I was really liking the red Windows Phone track jackets the employees had), a 3 month Xbox Live Gold card, a cupcake trio from Sweet Ride, my Windows Phone wristband, and of course, the coup de grace, an HTC Radar 4G. I'll have more on the phone in a future post, but this is just to show how much stuff Microsoft was giving away- they really appreciate their fan base! This is something you have never seen Apple do with the iPhone. Android events have happened over the past 4 years, but sporadically. This is the first time I know of that the company actually goes on tour to get the device in more people's hands.

Of course, I got lucky with the QR code contest, and the Twitter contest took a little skill, but I appreciate Microsoft going on this national tour to really get the word out about these phones. The operating system is top notch, and as Windows Phones quickly close the specs gap, I'm really confident that they'll get the exposure that they truly deserve. Two words: LIVE TILES.

By the way, the Sweet Ride cupcakes were amazing- it was a mini cupcake sampler, and was definitely worth the $5 price tag. Trust me on this- I'm a cupcake connoisseur. Check out Sweet Ride at their official website, or find the cupcake van via Twitter!

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