Worthwhile Friends

Saturday, February 25, 2012

I'm a big fan of Mark L. Walberg. He's a game show host that's been given some real stinkers (anybody remember Temptation Island?), but he's always been a consummate professional on every show he's done. He even made The Moment of Truth, one of the most uncomfortable shows to watch, a watchable hour. He's one of those guys that you don't see on TV very often, but when you see him at his best, you wonder why he hasn't been given more work.

One thing I didn't know is that Mark has been the host of Antiques Roadshow for some time now, and he recently wrote a really neat article on what he's learned during his tenure there. I just wanted to pull a quote from the article that really resonated with me. Check out the full post HERE.

"Worthwhile antiques, much like worthwhile people, exude an aura of truth and don't need to overcompensate. If you've ever met someone who is truly authentic then you know what I'm saying. They answer you with short, unqualified answers. They listen to you without searching for something in your words that will make them feel bigger. And in turn, you respect them without even fully being aware of why you hold them in esteem. What they say to you stays with you forever. That, my friends, is value." -Mark L. Walberg

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