Worthwhile Friends

Saturday, February 25, 2012

I'm a big fan of Mark L. Walberg. He's a game show host that's been given some real stinkers (anybody remember Temptation Island?), but he's always been a consummate professional on every show he's done. He even made The Moment of Truth, one of the most uncomfortable shows to watch, a watchable hour. He's one of those guys that you don't see on TV very often, but when you see him at his best, you wonder why he hasn't been given more work.

One thing I didn't know is that Mark has been the host of Antiques Roadshow for some time now, and he recently wrote a really neat article on what he's learned during his tenure there. I just wanted to pull a quote from the article that really resonated with me. Check out the full post HERE.

"Worthwhile antiques, much like worthwhile people, exude an aura of truth and don't need to overcompensate. If you've ever met someone who is truly authentic then you know what I'm saying. They answer you with short, unqualified answers. They listen to you without searching for something in your words that will make them feel bigger. And in turn, you respect them without even fully being aware of why you hold them in esteem. What they say to you stays with you forever. That, my friends, is value." -Mark L. Walberg

The Friend Zone..Doo Doo Doo Doo....

Monday, February 13, 2012

I knew when writing this post that only a few of you (or any of you) will get the title reference. Rod Serling must be turning over in his grave at your shallow pool of pop culture knowledge.

I'll confess something to you guys- I have NEVER had a girlfriend on Valentine's Day. Never. Some of you may think that's the greatest thing in the world, since I have no real obligation to go out of my way to make the day special for someone else. Still, everywhere I go, I see people in love, and as Dane Cook says, it's like looking through the window at a house party where everyone but you was invited. Alas, I've gotten use to this wretched place known as the Friend Zone. Apparently some girl would be really lucky to be with me...but not her. Eh, stop crying. It happens. Yeah, it sucks, but the only way to find out if you're a winner is to play the game.

Thanks for the pick me up, Coach Herm.

Really, now that I think about it, the Friend Zone really does mirror a typical episode of The Twilight Zone: painfully awkward, full of uncertainty, and a general feeling of "how did I get to this place"? All of that for something so easy to explain from the outside- girl meets guy, guy likes girl, guy fits all of the qualities girl is looking for, and yet, guy can't seem to get as much as a second look; his application might as well be in the trash can at this point. But wait....another position just opened up...BEST MALE FRIEND!


I recently heard a great quote- "To the girls that want to know where all the good guys are, they're in the friend zone- the last place you left them." Now there are some guys who won't take the initiative and just go for it, but more often than not, if you're between the ages of 16 and 25 and you don't show any traits that she would like to change about you, you end up in the zone.

Recently, MTV started airing a new series about this problem, and it's as uncomfortable watching the show as it is being in that situation. You feel for some of these people, because they couldn't hide their crush on the other person if they tried- it's that obvious in some cases. Yet the other party doesn't even notice.

It's a weird phenomenon, and it makes dating that much tougher to do, but only when people get out of their comfort zone will they get out of the friend zone.

Happy Valentine's Day- go make some lucky person happy!