A Look Back At Friendlier, Tastier Skies

Thursday, June 9, 2011

I love to fly. I hate paying $350 to do it, but I love it. I don't know why, considering how little added value I get for my money-especially compared to 20 or 30 years ago, when flying was an experience. Now, it's no different than the Japanese bullet train- pack 'em in, get 'em there quick, and charge a new crop of suckers. There's very little hospitality, and I'm sad that I missed that period of American aviation; you didn't need a first class ticket to feel like a first class customer. Check out this United Airlines commercial from 1984:

Now granted, this was a commercial dedicated to grabbing customers, but it also shows that airlines back then showed a different caliber of respect and loyalty to their customers. Now, it's so impersonal that I might as well take the CTA across country. At least then I get the awesome CTA guy doing voiceovers. (ding-dong...DOORS CLOSING!)

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